If you would like to control your high blood pressure or keep your general readings from inching up in the advent years, there are alternatives to costly drugs with their unpleasant side effects. We will focus mainly on the pros and cons of one such drug-free solution, but first a slight background is in order.
High blood pressure affects about one in three adult Americans, many of whom don't even know they have it, and, according to the Cdc (Centers for Disease Control), "... About 90% of middle-aged adults will organize high blood pressure in the remainder of their lifetimes." This is a health we might want to avoid or control since it greatly increases our risk of suffering a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, aortic aneurysm among other devastating conditions/events. Hypertension is also very costly dollar-wise in that the Cdc estimates that the direct and indirect price tag of Hbp in the U.S. Alone in 2009 was .4 Billion. Upon doing some personal investigation, we found that just 30 10-20mg tablets of a prominent hypertension medication cost .33 (discounted) online.
There are, however, ways to lower your blood pressure or to keep it in check without expensive and risky drugs, or to at least lessen the estimate of medication one requires. One such alternative medicine is the Zona Plus -- a movable hand-held computer-controlled device. This is a tool you squeeze with your hands to lower your Bp straight through an isometric contraction of your forearm muscles. This hypertension-relief technique was discovered accidentally by the Air Force in the 1960s. They were seeing for a solution to the G-force blackouts recurring in their F-16 pilots and found that by squeezing a specially-designed instrument, the pilots improved blood flow to their brains and hence avoided the disastrous blackouts. As a bonus, they discovered that it also lowered their blood pressure.
An entrepreneur, hearing of this, industrialized the Zona Plus so that average, non-military folks can advantage from this unique Bp-lowering system. This device/Bp-lowering technique has had more than 10 peer-reviewed studies and articles published in scientific and curative journals. It has had suitable reviews, according to the Zona-Plus folks, in the Harvard health Letter and the Berkeley Wellness Letter. according to one Harvard M.D., "squeezing grip for a few minutes a day lowers bp as much as first-line antihypertension drugs." Clinical studies have shown that three to four 12-minute sessions a week of squeezing the Zona Plus was more sufficient at lowering Bp than 30 minutes of vigorous aerobic practice performed three times a week. Even Mens health magazine (Jan/Feb 2010) gave it thumbs up, reporting that editor Peter Moore dropped his systolic Bp 18 points and his diastolic 4 points after using the Zona Plus usually for three months.
For maximum advantage from this blood pressure lowering technique, one needs five 12-minute sessions per week. This can be genuinely fit into anyone's agenda by squeezing the Zona Plus while reading or watching Tv. It does take about four or five weeks to see results, and maximum benefits accrue at six to eight weeks. If you stop the therapy sessions, however, your Bp reverts to its old ways, but the same can be true when one discontinues his medications.
This computerized gismo evaluates your grip impel and establishes, and then monitors, how much pressure one needs to exert to get optimal results, alerting the user when he is squeezing too genuinely or too hard. Of course, you could squeeze a tennis ball instead, if you don't mind guessing at the right estimate of pressure to apply, and are the type that doesn't need all the bells and whistles of the computer age.
The downside of the Zona Plus is that it comes with a hefty price tag, almost 0. Keep in mind, however, that this is a one-time investment, whereas medications are a monthly charge that add up very quickly. There is a kind 60-day guarantee which allows you time to see if it genuinely works for you -- it is reported to be sufficient for over 90% of users. Our guidance is: If you settle to make this venture in your health, do read the "fine print" in the guarantee, as there are some hoops you must jump straight through to get your money back.
Of course the Zona Plus is not the only alternative to costly drugs with their risky and unpleasant side effects. Here are a few others:
- RespeRate is an electronic apparatus that guides the user into slow/deep Bp-lowering breathing (about 0)
- emWave is a movable computerized Biofeedback gismo for anxiety allowance (i.e., Bp reduction, too -- under 0)
- Pressure excellent agenda combines paced breathing exercises with the hand-grip isometric exercises of the Zona Plus (just under )
- The Dash Diet combined with low-salt intake (cost of turn in diet)
- Losing five or ten percent of your body weight (if overweight) and retention it off (cost -- nothing to?)
Always, of course, check with your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications, development any lifestyle changes or when trying any Bp lowering alternatives while on your medications.
There you have it, the Zona Plus alternative to lowering your blood pressure without risky and costly drugs, plus a few other options thrown in for good measure. High blood pressure is nothing to ignore and if you don't like the idea of being dependent on Bp medications for the rest of your life, now you know there are options -- and Zona Plus might just be the one for you.
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