Friday, December 30, 2011

Hypertensive Heart Disease

In expanding to the increased risk of atherosclerosis chronic high blood pressure causes damage to the heart. The muscle becomes thicker and stiffer, so that the heart cannot relax while diastole so well and suck blood, diastolic yielding failure. This leads to a poorer filling of the heart and symptoms of diastolic heart failure. In addition, the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation occurs more frequently. Agreeing to echocardiographic criteria, the Hhk is divided into three stages are constraint. Even under optimal therapeutic consequence of this is largely irreversible.

Other organ damage

High blood pressure can also lead to changes in the retinal vessels of the eye, so that may occur one Hypertensive retinopathy in a hypertensive crisis, or even a rare hypertensive retinopathy.

Also, the kidney with long-standing high blood pressure is damaged and it comes to renal impairment.


The diagnostic activities focus on three objectives: the existence of arterial hypertension is thought about by blood pressure diagnosed and objectified; causes of secondary hypertension are sought, damages to be thought about and documented cardiovascular disease risk. In expanding to medical history and corporal examination, laboratory and thereby come urinalysis, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, ophthalmoscopy (fundus reflection) and other diagnostic means used.

The phenomenon that people have with an otherwise normal blood pressure measurements by medical personnel repeatedly elevated blood pressure is often referred to as white coat hypertension. Therefore, this opening should be complemented by self-monitoring measurements of the sick person and if possible by 24-hour measurements. It is also possible to detect spikes in blood pressure with rehearsal by examining the motorcycle ergometer to.


The World condition club in 1999 presented a classification of arterial hypertension, which is also the German medical societies to follow. The guidelines, published in the U.S. (Jnc7 report) which differ only slightly, so they define as any further level 3. The figures presented in this classification difficulty are explicitly intended as a flexible guideline. The pathology of hypertension should rather consider the wide cardiovascular considered. Although this increases linearly with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but also of other risk factors such as age, smoking, elevated cholesterol, obesity, and unavoidable house history, old illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, heart, kidney, heart and vascular dependent. In end it may therefore be primary in the nearnessy of such factors; a high-normal blood pressure had to be treated.

The Who agrees with hypertension remain after clinical organ damage to blood vessels, eyes, heart, kidneys, etc. Into three grades this book. As a grade I will be here called hypertension without end organ damage, grade Ii lesions are mild (Hypertensive retinopathy grade I and Ii), plaque formation in larger vessels, mild kidney and heart damage. Grade Iii includes severe organ damage with manifest cardiovascular complications: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, neurological symptoms (Tia, stroke), peripheral disease, aortic dissection, Hypertensive retinopathy Iii and Iv.

The Icd-10 (in 2008) is only made with a subdivision into benign and malignant hypertension.

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