Saturday, December 31, 2011

Newfoundland Puppy And Dog data

The Newfoundland is a large, hairy dog with a great temperament. They are calm and do not want a great deal of practice so they may even be kept in an apartment. Of course, a properly fenced in yard for practice is preferable. The Newfoundland was bred for cold temperatures and icy water so hot climates will stress them. There are numerous cases where they have actually saved drowning people. They are commonly good with children. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog. They are protective of their house but still mild mannered and commonly not dangerous. Males may fight males but they are regularly good with other pets.

Approximate Adult Size

The approximate adult size (two years old or older) of the male Newfoundland is 27 to 29 inches to the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 130 to 150 pounds. The female ranges from 25 to 27 inches to the withers and 100 to 120 pounds.

Special health Considerations

Most dog breeds have sure inherited health problems connected with that exact breed and the Newfoundland is no exception. Be on the look out for Canine Hip Dysplasia (genetic based looseness in the hip joint that can lead to arthritis pain and lameness), and sun-aortic stenosis (a hereditary heart condition). This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases may also be significant threats, please contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

She should visit the veterinarian any times in the first year for shots, boosters and check up. Then, as an adult, she should visit the veterinarian annual for shots and check up. As she gets older, six years and on, she should visit the veterinarian twice a year for check ups and shots. Remember; avoid feeding your dog sweets.


The Newfoundland has a coarse, water resistant, flat, slowly long, outer coat with a dense and soft inner coat. Bathing will wash the protective oils from her coat so bathe rarely. Brush her coat every couple of days to remove shed and help her voice a clean and wholesome coat, avoid mats and help you keep a closer eye on her health and enlarge your emotional bond with her.

Her teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes the accumulation of plaque and tartar which can cause cavities (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious disease.

Her toenails may need to be examined for increase and clipped regularly. The toenails of the rear feet grow slower than the toenails of the front feet. commonly a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this chore and competent instructions to perform this can be found on the net.

Life Span

The Newfoundland can live in the middle of 8 and 10 years with proper nutrition, curative care and excellent living conditions.


The Newfoundland comes from Newfoundland, Canada where they were bred to pull sleds, guard and hunt game. They are water dogs, having webbed feet and protective oily coats to safe them from the harsh environment. They were first registered by the American Kennel association in 1886.

Some Registries

  • Newfoundland Club of America
  • Ukc United Kennel Club
  • Nkc National Kennel Club
  • Ckc Continental Kennel Club
  • Apri Americas Pet Registry Inc.
  • Akc American Kennel Club
  • Fci Federation Cynologique Internationale
  • Nzkc New Zealand Kennel Club
  • Kcgb Kennel Club of Great Britain
  • Ankc Australian National Kennel Club
  • Acr American Canine Registry

Litter Size

8 to 10 Newfoundland puppies



Terms To Describe

Gentle giant, sweet, devoted, courage, peaceful

Special Good Points

  • Good watch dog.
  • They like cold climates.
  • Excellent temperament.
  • Has saved many drowning people.

Special Bad Points

  • Poor guard dog.
  • They are heat sensitive.

Every dog is an personel so not everything in this data may be exact for your dog. This data is meant as a good faith guideline only.

Doc... I've Got Severe Pain between My Shoulder Blades - What's Causing It?

There are many causes of pain in the shoulder blades. Pain in the middle of the shoulder blades can occur as a supervene of mundane problems such as working at the computer too long without a break. Some causes though are serious and must be addressed immediately.

Here are some them:

Gall Bladder Pain

Sporadic pains in the middle of the upper abdomen, or just below the ribs on the right side are felt. The pain may spread to the right shoulder or in the middle of the shoulder blades. The pain can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting and sometimes excessive gas. The charge can last from a few minutes to two to three hours before getting better. The frequency and severity of attacks is very variable. Attacks can be triggered by eating fatty foods such as chocolate, cheese or pastry. It can be difficult to distinguish the pain from other diseases, such as: gastric ulcer, back problems, heart pains, pneumonia and kidney stones.

Neck source from arthritis or disc disease

This is a general pain located in the neck area and may be associated with stiffness in the neck muscles. The pain may radiate down to the shoulder or in the middle of the shoulder blades. It may also radiate out into the arm, the hand, or up into the head, causing a one-sided or double-sided headache. The muscles in the neck are tense, sore and feel hard to the touch. Acute pain can give rise to abnormal neck posture in which the head is forced to turn to one side; this health is known as torticollis.
The pain at the base of the skull may be accompanied by a feeling of infirmity in the shoulders and arms. There may be a prickly or tingling sensation in the arms and fingers.

Angina Pectoris

Angina pectoris derives from Latin and translates as 'tight chest'. It feels like a heavy, crushing pain or a constricting feeling in the center of the chest behind the breast bone (sternum) or on the left side of the front of the chest. The pain can radiate out to either one or both arms, more often the left. It can be experienced in the throat, jaw, the stomach and, more rarely, in the middle of the shoulder blades.

Angina is often brought on by:

o bodily exercise

o psychological stress

o greatest cold

o a heavy meal.

Once these trigger factors stop, the pain commonly ends quickly, ordinarily within 2 to 10 minutes.

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer, an abnormal cell growth in the liver presents in two ways:

o primary cancer means that the cancer started in the liver

o Secondary cancer of the liver occurs when a cancer starts someplace else and spreads to the liver.

The early warning signs of liver cancer:

A hard lump in the abdomen, below the rib cage on the right side.

Discomfort in the upper abdomen on the right side.

Pain around the right shoulder blade, or pain in the middle of the shoulder blades.

Yellowish skin color (jaundice)

Abdominal swelling causing a feeling of fullness

Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer appears as a tumor, or an abnormal growth of cells in the esophagus. The esophagus is the food passageway that connects the throat to the stomach.

Esophageal cancer ordinarily does not cause any symptoms until the cancer has advanced to a stage that is too late for effective treatment. The main symptom is mystery in swallowing food. There is a frequent sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest.

Signs of advanced esophageal cancer include:

Pain when swallowing.

Pain in the throat or back, behind the breastbone or pain in the middle of the shoulder blades.

Decreased appetite and weight loss.

Hiccups with the feeling of food getting stuck in the throat or chest.

Vomiting and coughing up blood.

Aortic dissection

When the aorta, the major artery foremost from the heart, tears, there can be sudden sharp pain in the spine in the middle of the shoulder blades. This is an certain surgical emergency.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Anatomy of the Heart

Why talk about the heart from a healing point of view? How boring, unless you're a doctor that is. Right?

Not necessarily.

By looking at the basic anatomy and physiology of the heart from a doctor's perspective, we gain a unique privilege. We get to rate that perspective. Once we understand the fundamental basis of healing treatments used to correct heart problems, we can make informed decisions as to which of those treatments and medications for real make sense for us...and, more importantly, what alternatives might for real work better. So with that in mind, let's take a look at the human heart.

Quick facts

Your heart is located between your lungs in the middle of your chest, immediately behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone (sternum). In this location, it is protected by the breastbone in front, the spinal column in back, and the ribs on the sides. It weighs 7-15 ounces and is about the size of a human fist.

With each beat, the heart muscle expands and contracts, sending 2 to 3 ounces of blood on its way straight through the vascular system. The full circuit around the lungs and body (covering a mind boggling 50-60 thousand miles of branching blood vessels) takes only about one limited to perfect when the body is at rest. In that same minute, your heart can pump some 1.3 gallons of blood to every cell in your body. Over the course of a day, we're talking about 100,000 heartbeats shuttling some 2,000 gallons of oxygen rich blood throughout your body. That works out to some 35 million beats a year and an unbelievable 2.5 - 3.5 billion beats in a lifetime. Another way of looking at it is that the heart pumps almost 700,000 gallons a year and almost 50 million gallons in an mean lifetime.

Two circulatory systems

I will cover the circulatory principles in detail in its own newsletter at a later date, but for now it's important to understand in our consulation of the heart that the heart for real pumps blood straight through two very safe bet circulatory systems.

Systemic Pulmonary

The systemic principles is what most citizen think of when they think of the circulatory system. That's the principles that feeds the organs, tissues, and cells of your body. That's the principles in which fresh oxygenated blood pumps out straight through the arteries and in which deoxygenated blood returns to the heart straight through the veins. The pulmonary principles is for real quite different - just the opposite in fact. Deoxygenated blood is pumped out of the heart straight through the pulmonary arteries into the lungs, and recharged oxygenated blood returns to the heart straight through the veins. It is this recharged oxygenated blood that gets pumped out straight through the systemic circulatory system. Insight these differences will be important later. For now, just think the simple fact that these two isolate systems must be perfectly balanced in terms of input and output. If for example, the pulmonary principles is just one drop a limited behind the systemic system, in short order, the left ventricle of the heart (the room that pumps blood out to your body) will come to be under-filled with blood and cease to function efficiently.

Construction of the heart

The tissue of the heart is comprised of three layers. The traditional layer, the middle layer, is called the myocardium. This is the actual muscle tissue of the heart and the part of the heart that will highlight most prominently when we talk later about what can go wrong with the heart. The myocardium is a thick strong muscle and comprises the bulk of the heart. It is formed of plane involuntary muscle like your intestines and your bladder - but with a some key differences.

It has built in rhythmicity. That is to say, unlike other muscle tissue, it is self-stimulating and doesn't want a signal from the nervous principles to contract.

The muscle tissue itself has a spiral structure that allows for the twisting operation of the heart as it contracts with each beat. (We'll talk more about this later.)

The myocardium is lined on the inside (where all the blood is pumping) with a thin membrane called the endocardium. On the outside, the myocardium is enclosed by a membranous sac filled with fluid called the pericardium. The covering of the pericardium sac is pressed against the lungs and the chest wall. The inside of the sac (called the visceral pericardium) is for real attached to the heart muscle.

The purpose of the sac is to hold the heart in place, safe it, and eliminate inflammation by protecting the heart from disagreement as it beats. If you think about it, every time the heart beats it expands and contracts rubbing and sliding against the lungs and the chest wall. It is the fluid filling the pericardial sac that allows the inner and outer parts of the sac to slide against each other with no disagreement thus allowing the heart to beat some 2.5 - 3.5 billion times in a lifetime without rubbing itself raw.

The heart itself is divided into four chambers: the right and left atria and the right and left ventricles. As you can see below, it is separated vertically by part of the myocardium heart muscle. Horizontally, the two halves are supplementary divided by two valves - the mitral or bicuspid valve on the left side of the heart and the tricuspid valve on the right.

The flow of blood straight through those chambers is for real quite simple.

All of the deoxygenated blood in need of "recharging" returns to the heart straight through the large veins called the vena cava (anterior and posterior). The two vena cavae empty into the right atrium, the first room in the heart. (Incidentally, one of the definitions of atrium is a forecourt of a construction - which is essentially what the atria are: forecourts to the two ventricles.) From there, the blood passes straight through the one-way tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, which pumps it out straight through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary aorta and into the lungs.

Note in the illustration above how much smaller the left ventricle is than the right and how much thicker the muscles are surrounding it (about 4 times thicker). The surmise is simple. Smaller room and greater force of contraction means greater pressure. When you think that the right ventricle only needs to push the blood a few inches into the lungs and back, whereas the left ventricle needs to push the blood throughout the entire body, this makes sense. In fact, the left ventricle produces about 4 times the pressure of the right ventricle. It is straight through this divergence in pressure that the body keeps the blood provide perfectly balanced between the two chambers even though they are powering two entirely different circulatory systems.

Once oxygenated, the blood makes the short trip back straight through the pulmonary veins and back into the heart, entering straight through the left atrium. This is the pulmonary circulatory principles we referred to above.

From the left atrium, the oxygenated blood passes down straight through the one-way mitral valve and into the left ventricle. From there, the large muscles surrounding the left ventricle squeeze the blood out straight through the aorta as it starts its circuit out to every particular cell in the body.

The valves

At this point, a quick consulation of the two main valves in the heart (the mitral or bicuspid valve, and the tricuspid valve) makes sense.

In construction and function, the two valves are quite simple, but highly important. Fundamentally they look like parachutes with tendons or cords running down into the ventricles to keep them from opening too far. (See below.) When there is no blood in the ventricle below them, there is no pressure on the valves, and they are in the open position. In the open position, blood can passively move from the atrium above down straight through the openings in the valve into the ventricle below. Once the ventricle fills with blood and the heart contracts creating pressure in the ventricle, that pressure pushes up on the lowest of the valve forcing it terminated so the blood cannot flow back into the atrium above. At that point, the blood has only one way out of each ventricle - straight through the main pulmonary artery in the right ventricle and the aorta in the left ventricle. The principles is brilliant, totally passive, and amazingly durable. For most citizen it functions flawlessly for 70-100 years, straight through 2.5 billion plus heartbeats.

For a great communicate of everything we've talked about so far, check out the healing animation from the University of Pennsylvania condition System.

The coronary arteries

Once the oxygenated blood leaves the heart and heads into the aorta, it almost immediately encounters the first two blood vessels off the aorta: the left and right coronary arteries. These are the main arteries that feed the heart muscle, the myocardium. One of the first things you'll notice in the illustration below is how much branching and redundancy there is in the arteries and veins that feed the heart.

The healing term used to communicate this branching is anastomosis. You don't have to remember it. Just remember that the blood vessels of the heart have many branches that reconnect in multiple places to provide alternate pathways for the blood in case one subject is blocked. In fact, there is so much redundancy, that your heart can function with no illustrated symptoms with up to 70% blockage. It's almost as though nature unbelievable the western fast food diet and built in a huge retain capacity knowing how aggressively we would seek to clog the principles up.

The electrical system

We've established the basic bio-mechanics of the heart, but there's one key ask we haven't addressed yet:

What makes the heart muscle contract?

Fundamentally, the contraction of the heart is an electrical phenomenon - or more precisely, a bio-electrical phenomenon based on the movement of sodium, calcium, and potassium ions across membranes. (We'll cover this in more detail in a moment.)

For now, just understand that when a muscle cell is excited, an electrical signal is produced and spreads to the rest of the muscle cell, causing an increase in the level of calcium ions inside the cell. The calcium ions bind and interact with molecules connected with the cell's contractile machinery, the end corollary being a mechanical contraction. To simplify this, a sodium ion starts the stimulation of the cell, a calcium ion extends that stimulation to allow the entire muscle to covenant before potassium comes along and tells the muscle cell to relax for a moment and get ready for the next wave. Even though the heart is a specialized muscle, this fundamental principle still applies. (Makes you think about the importance of minerals in the diet, doesn't it?) One thing, however, that distinguishes the heart from other muscles is that the heart muscle, as we've already discussed, has built in rhythmicity. Thus, an electrical excitation that occurs in one cell for real spreads to neighboring cells.

Under general circumstances, the first electrical excitation that starts the beat of the entire heart originates in the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node, located on top of the right atrium. This small group of cells pretty much serves as the impulse-generating pacemaker for the heart and ordinarily discharges about one hundred times per minute. These impulses move down straight through fibers in the myocardial wall and come together in the atrial ventricular node where they are slowed down before entering and stimulating the controlled contraction of the muscles surrounding the two ventricles.

A simplified photograph of the electrical principles of the human heart. The direction of the activation is indicated by the arrows and is:

San (= sinoatrial node), Am (= atrial myocardium), Avn (= atrioventricular node), Pf (= Purkinje fibers), Vm (= ventricular myocardium).

As mentioned in the paragraph above, there is a moment of rest in the contraction of the muscle cells as the heart prepares for its next beat. This moment of rest is for real important as we will discuss in the next newsletter as a spurious impulse during this rest duration can cause premature contractions important to compromised filling and poor ejection of blood from the heart. This can lead to life threatening arrhythmias that so severally compromise the heart's capability to pump that death can occur quickly.

As an exciting side note, when doctors or Emts use a defibrillator to get a "fluttering" heart going again, the traditional corollary is to depolarize the heart muscle and for real stop the heart. The electric shock from the defibrillator doesn't switch the heart back on. Instead, defibrillation for real stops the heart briefly! It's this prevention of the heart that allows the sinoatrial node to reestablish operate of the heartbeat.

Taking a break

And that's probably a good place to stop for the moment, as we are edging into physiology. In the next issue of the newsletter, we will for real scrutinize the physiology of the heart in some detail, specifically talking about:

What can go wrong with it.

What things must be handled by a healing doctor.

The side effects connected with many healing options. (In most cases, it's not a free ride.)

What things can be handled by diet, lifestyle, and supplement choices. (Surprisingly, much more than you might think.)

Hypertensive Heart Disease

In expanding to the increased risk of atherosclerosis chronic high blood pressure causes damage to the heart. The muscle becomes thicker and stiffer, so that the heart cannot relax while diastole so well and suck blood, diastolic yielding failure. This leads to a poorer filling of the heart and symptoms of diastolic heart failure. In addition, the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation occurs more frequently. Agreeing to echocardiographic criteria, the Hhk is divided into three stages are constraint. Even under optimal therapeutic consequence of this is largely irreversible.

Other organ damage

High blood pressure can also lead to changes in the retinal vessels of the eye, so that may occur one Hypertensive retinopathy in a hypertensive crisis, or even a rare hypertensive retinopathy.

Also, the kidney with long-standing high blood pressure is damaged and it comes to renal impairment.


The diagnostic activities focus on three objectives: the existence of arterial hypertension is thought about by blood pressure diagnosed and objectified; causes of secondary hypertension are sought, damages to be thought about and documented cardiovascular disease risk. In expanding to medical history and corporal examination, laboratory and thereby come urinalysis, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, ophthalmoscopy (fundus reflection) and other diagnostic means used.

The phenomenon that people have with an otherwise normal blood pressure measurements by medical personnel repeatedly elevated blood pressure is often referred to as white coat hypertension. Therefore, this opening should be complemented by self-monitoring measurements of the sick person and if possible by 24-hour measurements. It is also possible to detect spikes in blood pressure with rehearsal by examining the motorcycle ergometer to.


The World condition club in 1999 presented a classification of arterial hypertension, which is also the German medical societies to follow. The guidelines, published in the U.S. (Jnc7 report) which differ only slightly, so they define as any further level 3. The figures presented in this classification difficulty are explicitly intended as a flexible guideline. The pathology of hypertension should rather consider the wide cardiovascular considered. Although this increases linearly with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but also of other risk factors such as age, smoking, elevated cholesterol, obesity, and unavoidable house history, old illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, heart, kidney, heart and vascular dependent. In end it may therefore be primary in the nearnessy of such factors; a high-normal blood pressure had to be treated.

The Who agrees with hypertension remain after clinical organ damage to blood vessels, eyes, heart, kidneys, etc. Into three grades this book. As a grade I will be here called hypertension without end organ damage, grade Ii lesions are mild (Hypertensive retinopathy grade I and Ii), plaque formation in larger vessels, mild kidney and heart damage. Grade Iii includes severe organ damage with manifest cardiovascular complications: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, neurological symptoms (Tia, stroke), peripheral disease, aortic dissection, Hypertensive retinopathy Iii and Iv.

The Icd-10 (in 2008) is only made with a subdivision into benign and malignant hypertension.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blue Pill With immoderate Use of Alcohol May work on Your Erections Negatively

Clinical studies have consistently shown that a moderate level of alcohol when combined with Viagra is unlikely to cause problems; however, you must be aware about the possible risks of mixing alcohol with Viagra. It is a known fact that Viagra as well as alcohol can aid in the dilation of blood vessels. Therefore, combining both Viagra and alcohol may in inescapable population lead to many problems together with low blood pressure. Therefore, it is best to resist alcohol while taking Viagra for erectile dysfunction.

How does Viagra react with alcohol?

Having undergone thorough tests, Viagra manufacturers feel that combining alcohol with Viagra is not anticipated to cause any problems. But, knowing that both Viagra and alcohol can have similar effects on blood vessels, it is best to avoid combining the two for safety reasons. inescapable problems could occur due to overly dilated blood vessels; these problems include:

  • Dizziness
  • A rapid heart rate
  • Low blood pressure

As soon as the alcohol is ingested, it reaches the digestive tract through the stomach and in no time starts to circulate throughout the ideas via the blood. So, the more alcohol is present in your system, the more blood volume exists in the body. All erections depend on blood flow and therefore, alcohol when mixed with Viagra sildenafil tends to growth the volume of the blood itself, thus helping to declare an erection. But this happens only when you consume alcohol in moderate amounts. Heavy drinking can in fact work in just the opposite way. This is because excessive alcohol can act as a sedative. We all know that sex starts in the brain and sedation of the brain using alcohol actually minimizes all sensations, good or bad; this then has a direct bearing on the erection itself. For any erection to sustain, the brain needs to be permanently stimulated through conception as well as through bodily sensations. Therefore, excessive alcohol may work negatively to influence erections.

How does alcohol influence erections?

Excessive consumption of alcohol may decrease the quality to get an erection. Alcohol is a substance that depresses the central nervous system; alcohol only in small amounts works as a stimulant. But excessive alcohol actually results in loss of self-control, allowance in brain performance and sluggish reaction time to situations.

The endocrine ideas works like well-oiled machinery; it controls all hormonal performance as well as the performance of the ovaries and the testes. Alcohol may influence sexual functioning in a collection of ways. In reduced amounts, alcohol lowers inhibitions as well as makes a person feel sexier; but when consumed in larger quantities, it can decrease as well as impair sexual functioning. Whilst, alcohol decreases the frequency of erections, it also decreases the maintenance of erections and penile size while erections; on the other hand, alcohol gravely increases the estimate of time in the middle of erections. Prolonged use of alcohol in men can also cause shrinking of the sex glands and an growth in estrogen (female hormone) levels. This in turn also directly affects erections.

Precautions to take with Viagra

It is advisable to use Viagra with care. Before taking this drug let your doctor know about the allergies that you might have; your complete curative history, especially about the penis conditions such as angulation, fibrosis/scarring and Peyronie's disease; history of priapism; sickle cell anaemia and blood ideas cancers such as leukaemia or myeloma; eye problems such as retinitis pigmentosa; kidney or liver disease; bleeding disorders; active stomach ulcers; heart problems together with up-to-date heart assault or arrhythmias, heart failure, coronary artery disease with unstable angina, aortic stenosis and idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis; history of strokes as well as high or low blood pressure.

Additionally, Viagra can make you dizzy or cause vision changes; you also need to use caution while intriguing in activities requiring alertness such as driving or using machinery. You must limit the use of alcoholic beverages. The elderly are known to be more sensitive to the side effects of Viagra and should therefore use the drug with extreme caution.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ekg Interpretation - The Heart - A Brief Glossary

Aorta - the body's largest artery; the blood vessel that carries blood out of the heart's left ventricle

Superior vena cava - The vein that carries blood from the upper body into the right atrium

Inferior vena cava - The vein that carries blood from the lower body into the right atrium

Pulmonary artery - Artery that carries blood from the right ventricle into the lungs. Upon exiting the heart, it immediately divides into the left pulmonary artery and the right pulmonary artery

Pulmonary veins - veins that carry freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium

Atria - one of two low-pressure and thin-walled chambers of the heart. The right atrium is the entry point of the heart for deoxygenated blood that has traveled straight through the body; the left atrium is the entry point for blood that has been oxygenated in the lungs.

Interatrial Septum - connective tissue that forms the wall in the middle of the left and right atria

Atrial kick - the occurrence of extra blood flowing into the ventricles as a follow of the contraction of the atria

Coronary arteries - the arteries that supply blood to the heart itself

Tricuspid atrioventricular valve - the valve in the middle of the right atrium and the right ventricle which prevents blood from flowing back to the right atrium once it has entered the right ventricle

Mitral (bicuspid) atrioventricular valve - the valve in the middle of the left atrium and left ventricle which prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium once it has entered the left ventricle

Pulmonic semilunar valve - the valve in the middle of the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery which prevents blood from flowing back to the right ventricle once it has entered the pulmonary artery

Aortic semilunar valve - the valve in the middle of the left ventricle and the aorta which prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle once it has entered the aorta

Interventricular septum - connective tissue that separates the right and left ventricles

Ventricles - the lower, high-pressure, thick-walled chambers of the heart. The right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it into the pulmonary artery. The left ventricle receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it ito the aorta.

Myocardium - the heart muscle. It is made up of muscle fibers, capillaries and nerve cells. The term can also refer to the heart itself.

Endocardium - the inside layer of the heart muscle

Epicardium-the outer layer of the heart muscle

Pericardium - the double walled sac that surrounds the heart

Subendocardial area - the innermost half of the myocardium

Subepicardial area - the outermost half of the myocardium

Visceral layer of the serous pericardium - other name for the epicardium

Fibrous parietal pericardium - the outer layer of the pericardium

Serous pericardium - the inner layer of the pericardium

4300 gallons - approximate number of blood that is pumped by the heart each day

150 mL - approximate volume of blood that each ventricle can hold

Cardiac cycle - refers to one complete cycle of pumping by the heart

Systole - period of contraction when blood is being ejected from a chamber. There is both atrial systole and ventricular systole. When the prefix is not supplied, however, ventricular systole is the assumed meaning

Asystole - when the period of contraction does not occur

Diastole - the period of free time during which the chambers are allowed to fill with blood due to the pressure differences inside the chambers.. There is both atrial diastole and ventricular diastole. When the prefix is not supplied, however, ventricular diastole is the assumed meaning

Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart - Study Made Easy

Anatomy and physiology study is normally broken down into 12 sections, with each section representing one system of the body, for example, the endocrine system. When you begin revising, it is recommended that you take 1 system of the body and learn it on its own. Varied body systems are similar in nature so learning them together might cause confusion. Take each area of your anatomy and physiology study and write out brief notes on that area. To give you an example and for the purpose of this article I will give you a brief overview of the heart and it's role in blood circulation.

The heart is a hollow muscular organ, approximately the size of it's owner's fist. It is positioned in the town of the chest area, in the middle of the lungs and is divided into 4 chambers. The upper chambers are called the atria and the lower chambers are called the ventricles. The right and left sides of the heart are divided by a muscular wall called the septum, this prevents deoxygenated and oxygenated blood from mixing together.

If you can fantasize the pipe system in your house providing water and heat to you on a daily basis, metaphorically speaking, the house is your heart and the pipes are the blood vessels that are found throughout our bodies. Blood is pumped from the heart colse to all parts of the body through a complex vehicle system consisting of arteries, veins and capillaries (blood vessels). The heart beats approximately 100,000 times every day in order to furnish our cells with oxygen rich blood and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood through it's chambers on a daily basis.

Blood circulation follows a specific route and can be summed up as follows;

1. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the excellent and inferior vena cava.

2. The blood is then pushed through the tricuspid valve down into the right ventricle. The tricuspid valve is a small flap that prevents the back flow of blood in the middle of the chambers on the right side.

3. Once the right ventricle fills up, the blood is then propelled into the pulmonary artery which then travels to the lungs where gaseous replacement occurs.

4. When the lungs take off the carbon dioxide, the deoxygenated blood becomes oxygenated and returns back to the heart via four pulmonary veins.

5. The blood enters the left atria via these pulmonary veins and is then pushed down into the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve. The bicuspid valve prevents the back flow of blood on the left side.

6. Once the left ventricle fills up it contracts, forcing the blood into the aorta which then branches to come to be the ascending aorta which supplies the upper body with oxygen rich blood and the descending aorta which supplies the lower body with oxygen rich blood.

7. Blood becomes deoxygenated once again and returns to the excellent and inferior vena cava where the process begins again.

As I mentioned above, this just gives you a brief overview of the heart, it's function and how it transports blood colse to the body. When you are carrying out any anatomy and physiology study, always make sure to summarize all areas as above. Using optical tools such as diagrams is a great way to spice up your notes. Even if you can't draw like picasso, it doesn't matter. To by comparison the heart you can draw a quadrate shape or a circle and divide it equally into 4 chambers. It just gives you an idea of the layout of the heart and it has been proven that learning visually can be much more productive than just reading something over and over again.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Circulation - Cardiovascular and Lymphatic principles

Blood circulates throughout the body in the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart and the blood vessels. This principles forms a continuous circuit that delivers oxygen and nutrients to all cells and carries away waste product.

The Heart

The heart is placed between the lungs, with its point or apex directed toward the left. The thick muscle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is lined on the inside with a thin endocardium and covered on the face with a thin epicardium. The heart is contained within a fibrous sac, the pericardium.

Each of the upper receiving chambers of the heart is an atrium. Each of the lower pumping chambers is a ventricle. The wall separating the two ventricles is the interventricular septum; the wall dividing the two atria is interatrial septum.

The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from all body tissues straight through the classic vena cava and the inferior vena cava. The blood then enters the right ventricle and is pumped to the lungs straight through the pulmonary artery. Blood returns from the lungs high in oxygen and enters the left atrium straight through the pulmonary veins. From here it enters the left ventricle and is pumped into the aorta to be distributed to all tissues. Blood is kept involving in a forward direction by one-way valves-the bicuspid valve, regularly called mitral valve. And the tricuspid valve.

Each contraction of the heart, termed systole is followed by a leisure phase, diastole, while which chambers fill. Each time the heart beats, both atria ageement and immediately thereafter both ventricles contract.

The Vascular System

The vascular principles consists of arteries that carry blood away from the heart, arterioles-small arteries that lead into the capillaries, capillaries, the smallest vessels, straight through which exchanges take place between the blood and the tissues, veins, that carry blood back to the heart and venules - the small veins that receive blood from the capillaries and drain into the veins. Nervous principles stimulation can cause the diameter of a vessel to increase (vasodilation) or decrease (vasoconstriction).

The Lymphatic System

The fluid carried in the lymphatic principles is called lymph, and the role of the lymphatic principles in the circulation is to return excess fluid and the proteins from the tissues to the bloodstream. Other functions of the lymphatic principles contain absorption of digested fats from small intestines and protecting the body from invading microorganisms. Along the path of the lymphatic vessels are small masses of lymphoid tissue, the lymph nodes. Their function is to filter the lymph as it passes through. Other organs and tissues of the lymphatic principles contain the tonsils, the thymus and the spleen.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

The condition of abdominal aortic aneurysm is a condition where the major artery of the body is dilated (swollen) in the abdominal area. Signs and symptoms of abdominal aortic aneurysm encompass ache and pain but in actual fact, most of them produce no symptoms at all.

The difficulties included with abdominal aortic aneurysm are countless and mixed but may join a catastrophic rupture of the blood vessel or a breaking of of small pieces of clot within it. If you have any signs of such a condition you should seek help immediately.

It goes without saying that sufferers of abdominal aortic aneurysm should seek the help of their doctor or other condition professional. You can all the time get help and guidance to allow you to administrate the condition. Assuming this to be the case, you can, additionally, help yourself in a number of ways.

These include:

- keeping fit and active

- eating a healthy dies

- stop smoking

- sell out cholesterol levels

When consulting with your physician, expect to be told some of the following:

- keep yourself fit and healthy (see above)

- operate diabetes (if you have it)

- have regular blood pressure checks

- have some basic investigations (blood tests and a scan)

- surgery may be required

Living with abdominal aortic aneurysm can be a difficult issue but remember that there are a number of things you can do to help yourself. The very least you should do is consult with your doctor or other condition pro to discuss your options for medicine and management.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Physiology of Circulation

The heart receives all of the blood from colse to the body into the right atrium. The thoracic duct receives the lymph fluid from the lymph circulation and it empties into the previous vena cava just before it empties into the upper right chamber or the heart (right atrium). Here the blood then goes straight through the tricuspid or right A/V valve to the right ventricle. The wall of this ventricle is quite thin because the pressure under which it works is very low as compared to the other side of the circulation and the heart.

The blood then goes straight through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery where it goes straight through progressively smaller vessels until it travels straight through the capillaries that surround the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs where the oxygen that is brought in straight through the respiratory ideas combines with the hemoglobin of the red blood cell and the dissolved carbon dioxide is expelled straight through the air sacs of the lungs and exhaled straight through the larger and larger tubes of the lungs called bronchioles and bronchi and ultimately the trachea or wind pipe. The oxygenated blood is then brought straight through larger and larger veins from the pulmonary circulation to the pulmonary veins that associate and the well oxygenated blood is then emptied into the left upper chamber (left atrium) of the heart. The blood then travels straight through the bicuspid or mitral valve and enters the left lower chamber of the heart (the tricuspid valve) where it is then pumped out straight through the aortic valve into the aorta. Here the first vessels that receive the riches oxygenated blood are the coronary arteries, or the arteries to the heart.

The heart does all of the work or circulation and so it needs the best blood that the body can produce. This is why the coronary arteries come off the aortic arch right after the blood is pumped from the left ventricle. The wall of the left ventricle is many times thicker than the wall of the right side of the right ventricle. The blood pressure is many here in the left ventricle because of the force that has to be exerted by the lower left chamber of the heart to pump the blood back out to the whole body where the circulation becomes progressively added and added from the center of the heart and the size of the vessels becomes smaller and smaller in order to get the used blood back for resupplying the hemoglobin molecules with oxygen. The whole process of circulation takes roughly one dinky from the right side of the heart back to the right side of the heart again. This process repeats itself thousands of times an hour and millions of times in a day. Without the allowable circulation in all of the limbs and the extremities happening regularly, the cells and tissues of the body will shrivel up and die. The blood also carries all of the nutrients the discrete cells of the body need and transports waste that is produced by the cells from general functioning to the liver where it is detoxified and eliminated in the bile or in the urine as nontoxic waste straight through the bowel or straight through the kidneys and the urine.


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